Canada to launch a cyber war on the military and defense sectors of foreign nation

Canada is all set to launch a cyber war on the military and defense sectors of foreign nations. But the nation is planning to target only those countries which have been intimidating it with cyber threats.

As a part of the $62 million financial commitment of Trudeau government to isolate the nation from all kinds of foreign threats, Canada has decided to launch a war arsenal to prevent the nation from all new emerging global security threats. This includes cyber threats in cyberspace.

In a recent review made by the government, it has learned that cyberspace has become an increasingly hostile place with an increase of state and nonstate actorsā€™ threats. Thus, the government has decided that going with a defensive cyber posture wonā€™t work from now on.

So, the government leaders have decided to launch active cyber operations against all potential adversaries in the context of government authorized military reasons.

Canada assumes that Russia, China, and North Korea can pose as the biggest threat to it in cyber and military space. So, the country which hails from a northern part of North America has decided to go with a ā€˜Hybrid Warā€™ which is in lines of Russia war objective.

Hybrid wars are nothing but wars waged by a country on enemy nations from Air, water, land, and cyberspace. It can be treated as one of the best methods to undermine the credibility and legitimacy of a national government or international alliance.

Therefore, the all new defense policy of Canada released on June 7th,2017 also identified a wide range of harrowing and borderless threats, including ā€˜grey zoneā€™ of hybrid warfare, even present terrorism, and climate change.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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