AI to help Saudi Arabia build an eight sided Oxagon Sea Ports

Cybersecurity- Insiders

We have seen multiple instances when the technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) helped humans built robots to serve in healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing and defense sector.

But did you ever imagine that the same AI robots can help civil engineers build an 8 sided floating sea port in the midst of Red Sea.

Saudi Arabian government is planning to construct a floating sea port at the cost of $500 billion, covering 10,000 sq miles in Tabuk Province, sharing borders with Jordan and Egypt.

The floating city will be the world’s first of its kind that will be officially named as Oxagon and will pave way for the newest region of Neom.

Plan is to complete the construction of the city by 2023 i.e. before the oil reserves in the country get completely exhausted and will incorporate education, tourist attractions along with research centers and some places to live.

As it will be done more by machines and less by manual labor, the construction of Neom is expected to be completed in the next 3 years that could act as a centralized & fully automated logistics hub.

According to a small piece of article published in Wall Street Journal in the last week, the scenic place will also have flying drone taxis, a Jurassic park lifestyle, having machine loaded Robo Dinosaurs and an artificial moon and glow-in-the-dark sand.

The whole of the region will run on renewable fuels such as wind powered turbines backed farms, solar power tech to industries, and groundbreaking technology running in vehicles that could convert water into oxygen and hydrogen for energy generation and consumption.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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