Donald Trump orders for cyber attacks on North Korean nuclear testing

Donald Trump seems to have inherited the legacy of former US President Barack Obama as he has asked his officials to step up their cyber and electronic strikes against North Koreaā€™ nuclear test launches.

From 2012, Barack Obama was not impressed with the way United States missile defense systems were being prepared. Perhaps his thinking was about North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-un enthusiasm to prepare his nation for nuclear test launches. So, the former president asked his officials to launch secret cyber attacks on the critical infrastructure of North Korea in order to nullify their plans to strengthen their nuclear arms.

Now, after learning that North Korea was trying to target some American Cities with nuclear weapons, Donald Trump has passed on a secret executive order to effectively counter the North Korean Nuclear and missile programs.

The New York Times reported that North Koreaā€™s intentions to destroy some of the big American cities may never happen in practical. Thatā€™s because; Mr. Trump has inherited the legacy of Obama to implement countermeasures against Koreaā€™s malicious intentions.

As a part of his strategies, America could open up negotiations with the North Korea to freeze its nuclear and missile programs. And if it doesnā€™t help and reach out to a consensus, the American Cyber Army will then launch some cyber and digital attacks which could force north to suspend its testing sites forever.

Last week, Trump held a discussion with Pentagon & National Security Agency and dictating some terms regarding this issue. However, the terms are being kept away from media and will only be disclosed when the talks with North fail to show positive results.

Remember, US President Donald Trump has already announced on the first day of his office that he will do anything to make America the strongest and number nation in the world. He also added that his government is not going to tolerate any kind of callousness to his nationā€™s security and integrity.

Hence, whatever Mr. Trump is doing right now, is all part of his ā€˜Word- To make America the Strongestā€.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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