UK Teenage girls to help protect nation against Cyber Attacks

GCHQ which is England Governmentā€™s Surveillance Agency is requesting teenage girls to protect the nation against cyber attacks. As a part of this appeal, the National Cyber Security Center has asked its female population to develop cyber security skills to protect the nation against cyber attacks.

To play its part, Britain government will soon be holding a CyberFirst Girls competition which will help in knocking down the gender barriers to entering the Cyber Security profession by inviting girls aged between 13 and 15 to join as probable of the future cyber army.

The main aim of this competition is to encourage women towards careers in the field of cyber security and to educate younger generation against cyber wars carried on a present and future note.

As a part of this CyberFirst Girls program, teenage girls from various schools will be invited to form teams of 4. They will then have to display their cyber security skills through a series of valid online tests against other school peers coming from across the UK.

The final will witness a competition between the best 10 teams and will be held in London at the end of March.

GCHQ will be holding a competition which is being described as ā€˜suspicious cyber activityā€™. The girl teams have to solve who is behind the crime in this compete and the best team which tops the contest will be awarded a prize.

The prize includes a chance to go for a Cyber First Student Bursary of Ā£4,000 per year. The money can be used to study an undergraduate course in Cyber Security Field by the team of 4 girls. Consolation prizes will also follow.

Schools will have to register themselves prior to the online competition which will be set between 27th February to 6th March 2017. The grand Finale will be held on March 27th,2017.

The whole contest will be funded by the National Cyber Security Program under the Cabinet Office initiative of the National Cyber Security Strategy.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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