Kaspersky, a Russia based cybersecurity firm is now facing a tough time in business as it being plagued by a number of allegations made by various government heads. Last year, on the basis that the security software was spying and leaking data to Russian Intelligence, US President Donald Trump banned the software usage in all government agencies.
Pretty soon, the government of United Kingdom is said to implement a ban on Kaspersky as it has discovered evidence that the security software firm was spying on Gamma Group- a technology firm which sells surveillance software to governments and police forces around the world.
Britain’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) is said to have found fresh evidence on Kaspersky Labs leaking critical files related to Gamma Group to remote servers in Russia.
Already, last year, the cyber watchdog issued a warning to the government of UK that Kaspersky’s software was acting suspicious and was leaking official secrets to Russian Intelligence. The government immediately decided to ban the use of the said software from certain federal bodies.
Now, with the availability of fresh evidence, there is a high probability that the usage of the software will be permanently banned in the UK and even Europe, despite Brexit( Yes, Britain will still have an upper hand in influencing the decisions of Europe even after Brexit)
According to a news source from The Times, a former Kaspersky senior manager claimed that there were two factions within the firm- one which works for the security software company and the other which is close to Russian Intelligence.
The anonymous source claims that the one which is working for Russian Intelligence could have spied on Gamma Group.
There is also a new story doing rounds in the media which is as follows-A a few years back (2011), some factionist groups of Russia is said to have kidnapped Ivan Kaspersky, son of the Kaspersky Labs founder Eugene Kaspersky. They initially demanded a sum of $4.5 ransom but eventually freed the young teenager without getting a single penny from the founder of the security firm.
A source from UK’s largest news resource Daily Mail reports that Russian Special Forces were pressed into service to free Ivan Kaspersky and from then on Kaspersky Labs is seen passing vital information related to its users to Russian Intelligence.
Eugene has already cleared the air last year that his firm in no way was indulging in espionage-related activities and was carrying out their operations with perfect business ethics.